This script generate all the repadmin commands to find lingering object on all domain controllers in an Active Directory forest.
You will find below two versions of the script : one using the Microsoft Powershell cmdlet get-adobject (import-module activedirectory), another using the get-qadobject Powershell cmdlet from Quest.
Scripts :
$OutputFileLocation = "c:\temp\repadmin_cmds.txt" $ErrorActionPreference="SilentlyContinue" Stop-Transcript | out-null $ErrorActionPreference = "Continue" Start-Transcript -path $OutputFileLocation -append $myForest = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Forest]::GetCurrentForest() $dclist = $myforest.Sites | % { $_.Servers } |% { $_.Name } $dcs_guid = get-adobject -searchbase 'CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=rootdomain,DC=net' -properties ObjectGUID,distinguishedname -ldapfilter "ObjectClass=nTDSDSA" | % { @{GUID=$_.ObjectGUID;DN=$_.distinguishedname} } foreach ($dcforestname in $dclist){ foreach ($dc_src_guid in $dcs_guid){ $hostname = ((($dc_src_guid.DN).split(',')[1]).split('=')[1]).tostring() $dcfqdn = $dclist -like "$hostname*" | Out-String -Stream $dclist_arr = ($dcfqdn).split(".") $dcname = $dclist_arr[0] $dcdomain = $dclist_arr[1 .. ($dclist_arr.count-1)] $domain_dn = "" for ($x = 0; $x -lt $dcdomain.Length ; $x++){ if ($x -eq ($dcdomain.Length - 1)){$Separator = ""}else{$Separator =","} [string]$domain_dn += "DC=" + $dcdomain[$x] + $Separator } $srcdcguid = $dc_src_guid.GUID "repadmin /removelingeringobjects $dcforestname $srcdcguid $domain_dn /advisory_mode >> lingering_debug.log" | out-host } } Stop-Transcript
$myForest = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Forest]::GetCurrentForest() $dclist = $myforest.Sites | % { $_.Servers } |% { $_.Name } $dcs_guid = get-qadobject -searchroot 'CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=domain,DC=root' -Type nTDSDSA -IncludedProperties guid,dn -DontUseDefaultIncludedProperties | % {@{GUID=$_.guid;DN=$_.dn}} foreach ($dcforestname in $dclist){ foreach ($dc_src_guid in $dcs_guid){ $hostname = ((($dc_src_guid.DN).split(',')[1]).split('=')[1]).tostring() $dcfqdn = $dclist -like "$hostname*" | Out-String -Stream $dclist_arr = ($dcfqdn).split(".") $dcname = $dclist_arr[0] $dcdomain = $dclist_arr[1 .. ($dclist_arr.count-1)] $domain_dn = "" for ($x = 0; $x -lt $dcdomain.Length ; $x++){ if ($x -eq ($dcdomain.Length - 1)){$Separator = ""}else{$Separator =","} [string]$domain_dn += "DC=" + $dcdomain[$x] + $Separator } write-Host "repadmin /removelingeringobjects $dcforestname" $dc_src_guid.GUID $domain_dn "/advisory_mode >> lingering_debug.log" } }
Another tool can be used to find and remove lingering objects : repldiag
prompt > repldiag /? Replication topology analyzer. From Version: 2.0.4947.18978 Command Line Options: ReplDiag [/Save] [/CheckForStableReplTopology] [/RemoveLingeringObjects] [/ImportData:<FileName.X ML>] [/ShowTestCases] [/OverrideDefaultReferenceDC:"dc=namingcontext,dc=com"] /UseRobustDCLocation -Query each and every DC for a list of DCs in forest. Ensures replication instability does not cause any to be missed. /Save -Save out the data from the current environment to XML. File is named "ReplicationData.xml" and is located in the current directory. /ImportData -Import the XML that was saved during a prior execution of this utility. Run one of the other options to do something with the data. /ShowTestCases -Show detail about test cases. Lingering Object Cleanup: /RemoveLingeringObjects -Use the current forest topology to clean all the NCs in the forest. WILL NOT CLEAN WINDOWS 2000 SYSTEMS!!! /AdvisoryMode -Check for lingering objects only, do not clean. Must be used with /RemoveLingeringObjects. /OverrideDefaultReferenceDC -Specify reference DC for a naming context when when removing lingering objects, can be used multiple times for different NCs. Only functional if using /RemoveLingeringObjects. /OutputRepadminCommandLineSyntax -Output the command line syntax for repadmin. Only active in conjunction with /RemoveLingeringObjects. Example syntax: ReplDiag /Save - Collect the AD replication topology from the environment and save it. ReplDiag /ImportData:"ReplicationData.xml" - Load in previously collected data and check replication status. ReplDiag /RemoveLingeringObjects /OverrideDefaultReferenceDC:"cn=Configuration,dc=forestroot,dc=com" /OverrideDefaultReferenceDC:"dc=forestroot,dc=com" - Clean lingering objects in the forest. Since cleans happen on a per NC basis, reference DCs must be overridden on a per NC basis. Each override must be specified separately on the command line. Must use the DNS FQDN for the DC.
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Find and remove lingering object in a forest