This script generate all the repadmin commands to find lingering object on all domain controllers in an Active Directory forest.

You will find below two versions of the script : one using the Microsoft Powershell cmdlet get-adobject (import-module activedirectory), another using the get-qadobject Powershell cmdlet from Quest.

Scripts :

$OutputFileLocation = "c:\temp\repadmin_cmds.txt"

Stop-Transcript | out-null
$ErrorActionPreference = "Continue"
Start-Transcript -path $OutputFileLocation -append

$myForest = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Forest]::GetCurrentForest()
$dclist = $myforest.Sites | % { $_.Servers } |% { $_.Name }
$dcs_guid = get-adobject -searchbase 'CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=rootdomain,DC=net' -properties ObjectGUID,distinguishedname -ldapfilter "ObjectClass=nTDSDSA" | % { @{GUID=$_.ObjectGUID;DN=$_.distinguishedname} }
foreach ($dcforestname in $dclist){
	foreach ($dc_src_guid in $dcs_guid){
		$hostname = ((($dc_src_guid.DN).split(',')[1]).split('=')[1]).tostring()
		$dcfqdn = $dclist -like "$hostname*" | Out-String -Stream
		$dclist_arr = ($dcfqdn).split(".")
		$dcname = $dclist_arr[0]
		$dcdomain = $dclist_arr[1 .. ($dclist_arr.count-1)]
		$domain_dn = ""
		for ($x = 0; $x -lt $dcdomain.Length ; $x++){
			if ($x -eq ($dcdomain.Length - 1)){$Separator = ""}else{$Separator =","}
			[string]$domain_dn += "DC=" + $dcdomain[$x] + $Separator
		$srcdcguid = $dc_src_guid.GUID

		"repadmin /removelingeringobjects $dcforestname $srcdcguid $domain_dn /advisory_mode >> lingering_debug.log" | out-host

$myForest = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Forest]::GetCurrentForest()
$dclist = $myforest.Sites | % { $_.Servers } |% { $_.Name }
$dcs_guid = get-qadobject -searchroot 'CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=domain,DC=root' -Type nTDSDSA -IncludedProperties guid,dn -DontUseDefaultIncludedProperties | % {@{GUID=$_.guid;DN=$_.dn}}

foreach ($dcforestname in $dclist){
	foreach ($dc_src_guid in $dcs_guid){
		$hostname = ((($dc_src_guid.DN).split(',')[1]).split('=')[1]).tostring()
		$dcfqdn = $dclist -like "$hostname*" | Out-String -Stream
		$dclist_arr = ($dcfqdn).split(".")
		$dcname = $dclist_arr[0]
		$dcdomain = $dclist_arr[1 .. ($dclist_arr.count-1)]
		$domain_dn = ""
		for ($x = 0; $x -lt $dcdomain.Length ; $x++){
			if ($x -eq ($dcdomain.Length - 1)){$Separator = ""}else{$Separator =","}
			[string]$domain_dn += "DC=" + $dcdomain[$x] + $Separator
		write-Host "repadmin /removelingeringobjects $dcforestname" $dc_src_guid.GUID $domain_dn "/advisory_mode >> lingering_debug.log"

Another tool can be used to find and remove lingering objects : repldiag


prompt > repldiag /?
Replication topology analyzer.  From
Version:  2.0.4947.18978

Command Line Options:  ReplDiag [/Save] [/CheckForStableReplTopology] [/RemoveLingeringObjects] [/ImportData:<FileName.X
ML>] [/ShowTestCases] [/OverrideDefaultReferenceDC:"dc=namingcontext,dc=com"]

/UseRobustDCLocation -Query each and every DC for a list of DCs in
        forest.  Ensures replication instability does not cause any to be
/Save -Save out the data from the current environment to XML.  File is named
        "ReplicationData.xml" and is located in the current directory.
/ImportData -Import the XML that was saved during a prior execution of this
        utility.  Run one of the other options to do something with the data.
/ShowTestCases -Show detail about test cases.

Lingering Object Cleanup:
/RemoveLingeringObjects -Use the current forest topology to clean all the
        NCs in the forest.
/AdvisoryMode -Check for lingering objects only, do not clean.
        Must be used with /RemoveLingeringObjects.
/OverrideDefaultReferenceDC -Specify reference DC for a naming context when
        when removing lingering objects, can be used multiple times for
        different NCs.
        Only functional if using /RemoveLingeringObjects.
/OutputRepadminCommandLineSyntax -Output the command line syntax for repadmin.
        Only active in conjunction with /RemoveLingeringObjects.

Example syntax:
ReplDiag /Save
        - Collect the AD replication topology from the environment and save it.
ReplDiag /ImportData:"ReplicationData.xml"
        - Load in previously collected data and check replication status.
ReplDiag /RemoveLingeringObjects /OverrideDefaultReferenceDC:"cn=Configuration,dc=forestroot,dc=com"
        - Clean lingering objects in the forest.  Since cleans happen on a per
        NC basis, reference DCs must be overridden on a per NC basis.  Each
        override must be specified separately on the command line.
        Must use the DNS FQDN for the DC.




My Powershell script categories

Find and remove lingering object in a forest

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