You can use ADSchemaExtensionConflictAnalyzer.ps1 (, a Windows PowerShell script, to analyze application schema extension .ldf files against a production schema and generate a report on errors, conflicts, and other warnings. For example, if an application schema extension is adding an attribute with incorrect attribute syntax, the script reports that error on screen and in a results file.
Syntax :
.\ADSchemaExtensionConflictAnalyzer.ps1 –inputfile NewSchemaExtension1.ldf, [NewSchemaExtension2.ldf, NewSchemaExtension3.ldf] –outputfile results.ldf [-CurrentSchema ProductionSchema.ldf]
Script :
$count = 0 $operation = "" $inputFile = "" $currentSchema = "" $errorCount = 0 $warningCount = 0 $multipleInputFiles = "false" function global:DisplayScriptUsage { Write-Host "====================================================" Write-Host "`n EXTENSION CHECKER SCRIPT USAGE `n" Write-Host "====================================================" Write-Host "USAGE SUMMARY" Write-Host "`n -inputFile " -foregroundcolor darkCyan Write-Host "`n [REQUIRED FIELD] Provide the path to the input file containing the custom schema extensions here.`n" Write-Host "`n -outputFile " -foregroundcolor darkCyan Write-Host "`n [REQUIRED FIELD] Provide the path to the output LDF file containing the annotations and suggested corrections. `n" Write-Host "`n -currentSchema " -foregroundcolor darkCyan Write-Host "`n This is a required field if the operation is being run on a test DC." Write-Host " If the validate operation is being performed on a production DC, the current schema file need not be provided. The script will extract it.`n" Write-Host "EXAMPLES" -foregroundcolor darkCyan Write-Host " .\ExtensionChecker.ps1 -operation validate -inputfile sampleldf.ldf -outputfile results.ldf -currentschema myProductionSchema.ldf `n" exit } if ($args.length -lt 4){ Write-Host "`nInsufficient number of parameters. Please check script usage" -foregroundcolor red DisplayScriptUsage } #Parsing arguments to grab Operation, Input Custom Extension File Name, Current Schema File Name foreach ($i in $args){ switch($count){ 0 { $comp = $i.ToLower().CompareTo("-inputfile") if ($comp -ne 0){ Write-Host "Invalid switch where `'inputFile`' is expected" -foregroundcolor red exit } } 1 { $inputFileList = $args[$count] } 2 { $comp = $i.ToLower().CompareTo("-outputfile") if ($comp -ne 0){ Write-Host "Invalid switch where `'outputfile`' is expected" -foregroundcolor red DisplayScriptUsage exit } } 3 { $outputFile = $args[$count] } 4 { $comp = $i.ToLower().CompareTo("-currentschema") if ($comp -ne 0){ Write-Host "Invalid switch where currentSchema is expected" DisplayScriptUsage exit } } 5 { $currentSchema = $args[$count] } } $count++ } # The function below will check current production schema file and/or the input custom extension file to make sure that the class / attribute being referenced (in systemMayContain, # systemMustContain, mayContain, mustContain, subClassOf , systemAuxiliaryClass , auxiliaryClass , systemPossSuperiors , and possSuperiors) has already been created. # If it has not been created but is still being referenced in one of the attributes above then that is an error and it needs to be flagged. function global:ConfirmExistenceofReferencedAttributesOrClasses($attrClassList){ $attrsClasses = $attrClassList.Split(",") foreach($item in $attrsClasses){ if (!(select-string $currentSchema -pattern $item -quiet)){ # The attribute/class under consideration was not found in current production schema file. We need to check the input file now. May be it is a new addition. $searchString = "CN=" + $item if(!(select-string $inputFile -pattern $searchString -quiet)){ $searchString = "ldapdisplayname: " + $item if(!(select-string $inputFile -pattern $searchString -quiet)){ # No declaration of the attribute/class under consideration was found in the inputFile too. Looks like an error. The attribute/class should have been created before referencing it. Write-Host "[Error] : The class or attribute under consideration " $item " is being referenced but has not been created so far. Please make sure it is created before using it." -foregroundcolor red $tempError = "###Error. The class or attribute under consideration - " + $item + " - is being referenced but has not been created so far. Please make sure it is created before using it." $errorCount++ Add-Content -path $outputFile -value $tempError } } } } } # The function below will check current production schema file to look for a particular value of mapiid. Mapiid is expected to be unique. function global:checkUniquenessOfMapiid([string]$mapiidValue){ if(select-string $currentSchema -pattern "mapiid" -quiet){ if(select-string $currentSchema -pattern $mapiidValue | foreach { $_.Line | select-string $mapiidValue -quiet} ){ Write-Host "[Error] : The mapiid value specified seems to be already in use. Please make sure the mapiid is unique." -foregroundcolor red Add-Content -path $outputFile -value "###Error : The mapiid value specified seems to be already in use. Please make sure the mapiid is unique." $errorCount++ } } } # The function below will go through current production schema file to make sure the attribute/class that is being added is not already present in the current production schema function global:checkExistence([string]$cnValue){ $ConsolidatedFileContent = gc $currentSchema foreach ( $line in $ConsolidatedFileContent){ $SchemaValues = @($line.Split(":")) if ($SchemaValues[1].length -gt 0){ $SchemaValues[1] = $SchemaValues[1].TrimStart(" ") } if (!$SchemaValues[0].CompareTo("lDAPDisplayName") -AND $SchemaValues[1].Contains($cnValue)){ Write-Host "[Error] : Attempt being made to add an attribute/class which already exists in the schema." -foregroundcolor red Add-Content -path $outputFile -value "### Error. Attempt being made to add an attribute/class which already exists in the schema." $errorCount++ } } } # The function below will go through current production schema file to look for the attribute $attrName which has been set as rdnAttid for another attribute # The syntax of $attrName should be UNICODE function global:checkSyntaxOfRdnattidAttribute($attrName){ $ConsolidatedFileContent = gc $currentSchema $encounteredDn = 0 # The variable $encounteredDn will track whether or not we have come across the block that describes the attribute $attrName. # Every "dn: " statement in the current production schema file will be checked till $attrName is encountered. On encountering it $encounteredDn will be set to 1. # Once $attrName has been found its attributeSyntax attribute needs to be verified to make sure its value is foreach ( $line in $ConsolidatedFileContent){ if( $encounteredDn -eq 0){ $SchemaValues = @($line.Split(":")) if ($SchemaValues[1].length -gt 0){ $SchemaValues[1] = $SchemaValues[1].TrimStart(" ") } if (!$SchemaValues[0].CompareTo("dn") -AND $SchemaValues[1].Contains($attrName)){ $encounteredDn = 1 continue } } else{ $SchemaValues = @($line.Split(":")) if ($SchemaValues[1].length -gt 0){ $SchemaValues[1] = $SchemaValues[1].TrimStart(" ") } if (!$SchemaValues[0].CompareTo("attributeSyntax")){ if($SchemaValues[1].CompareTo("")){ #This means attributeSyntax of the attribute which is the rdnAttid for another attribute is not INTEGER. This is not expected. Write-Host "[Error] : AttributeSyntax of rdnattid attribute should be INTEGER Please correct." -foregroundcolor red Add-Content -path $outputFile -value "### AttributeSyntax of rdnattid attribute should be INTEGER Please correct." $errorCount++ } break } } } } function global:ValidateExtensions{ if ( $inputFile.length -eq 0){ Write-Host "No input extension file has been specified. Please check script usage to make sure you are providing the input custom extension file name." exit } if(!(test-path $inputFile)){ Write-Host "Input file provided " $inputFile " does not exist. Please check the path and try again." -foregroundcolor red exit } if ( $currentSchema.length -eq 0){ Write-Host "No current schema file has been specified. Now attempting to grab the schema of the host machine" $currentSchema = "currentSchema.ldf" $argString = "'-f currentSchema.ldf -d #SchemaNamingContext -c #DefaultNamingContext DC=X'" start ldifde.exe -Argu '-f currentSchema.ldf -d #SchemaNamingContext -c #DefaultNamingContext DC=X' -wait } else{ if(!(test-path $currentSchema)){ Write-Host "Current production schema file provided " $currentSchema " does not exist. Please check the path and try again." -foregroundcolor red exit } } Write-Host "`nValidating input file : " $inputFile $NewFileContent = gc $inputFile $attributeSyntaxList = @{ "" = " ( DISTNAME )"; "" = " ( OBJECT_ID )"; "" = "( CASE_STRING )"; "" = "( NOCASE_STRING )"; "" = "( PRINT_CASE_STRING )"; "" = "( NUMERIC_STRING )"; "" = "( DISTNAME_BINARY )"; "" = "( BOOLEAN )"; "" = "( INTEGER )"; "" = "( OCTET_STRING )"; "" = "( TIME )"; "" = "( UNICODE )"; "" = "( ADDRESS )"; "" = "( DISTNAME_STRING )"; "" = "( NT_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR )"; "" = "( I8 )"; "" = "( SID )" } $systemFlagsList = @{ 0x1 = "FLAG_ATTR_NOT_REPLICATED"; 0x2 = "FLAG_ATTR_REQ_PARTIAL_SET_MEMBER"; 0x4 = "FLAG_ATTR_IS_CONSTRUCTED"; 0x8 = "FLAG_ATTR_IS_OPERATIONAL"; 0x10 = "FLAG_SCHEMA_BASE_OBJECT"; 0x20 = "FLAG_ATTR_IS_RDN"; 0x8000000 = "FLAG_DOMAIN_DISALLOW_RENAME" } $searchFlagsList = @{ 1 = "fATTINDEX"; 2 = "fPDNTATTINDEX"; 4 = "fANR"; 8 = "fPRESERVEONDELETE"; 16 = "fCOPY"; 32 = "fTUPLEINDEX"; 64 = "fSUBTREEATTINDEX"; 128 = "fCONFIDENTIAL"; 256 = "fNEVERVALUEAUDIT"; 512 = "fRODCFilteredAttribute" } $oMSyntaxList = @{ "0" = "( NO_MORE_SYNTAXES )"; "1" = "( BOOLEAN )"; "2" = "( INTEGER )"; "3" = "( BIT_STRING )"; "4" = "( OCTET_STRING )"; "5" = "( NULL )"; "6" = "( OBJECT_IDENTIFIER_STRING )"; "7" = "( OBJECT_DESCRIPTOR_STRING )"; "8" = "( ENCODING_STRING )"; "10" = "( ENUMERATION )"; "18" = "( NUMERIC_STRING )"; "19" = "( PRINTABLE_STRING )"; "20" = "( TELETEX_STRING )"; "21" = "( VIDEOTEX_STRING )"; "22" = "( IA5_STRING )"; "23" = "( UTC_TIME_STRING )"; "24" = "( GENERALISED_TIME_STRING )"; "25" = "( GRAPHIC_STRING )"; "26" = "( VISIBLE_STRING )"; "27" = "( GENERAL_STRING )"; "64" = "( UNICODE_STRING )"; "65" = "( I8 )"; "66" = "( OBJECT_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR )"; "127" = "( OBJECT )" } $oMObjectClassList = @{ "KoZIhvcUAQEBBg==" = "1.2.840.113556. (REPLICA-LINK)"; "KoZIhvcUAQEBCw==" = "1.2.840.113556. (DN-BINARY)"; "KoZIhvcUAQEBDA==" = "1.2.840.113556. (DN-STRING)"; "KwwCh3McAIVK" = " (DS-DN)"; "KwwCh3McAIU+" = " (ACCESS-POINT)"; "KwwCh3McAIVc" = " (PRESENTATION-ADDRESS)"; "VgYBAgULHQ==" = " (OR-NAME)" } $attributeSyntaxToOmSyntaxList = @{ "" = "127"; "" = "6"; "" = "27"; "" = "20"; "" = "19,22"; "" = "18"; "" = "127"; "" = "1"; "" = "2,10"; "" = "4"; "" = "23,24"; "" = "64"; "" = "127"; "" = "127"; "" = "66"; "" = "65"; "" = "4" } $linkedAttrsDisplayNameList = @{} $linkedAttrsOIDList = @{} $schemaUpdateNowFlag = "FALSE" $startedAddingClassesFlag = "FALSE" $ldapDisplayNameVal = "NULL" #Now start scanning the input ldf file $linecount = 0 # If multiple input files are present then output ldf file should be created only once. Else the earlier data will be erased. # If a single input file is present (or if there are multiple input files but this is the first input file that is being validated) $multipleInputFiles will contain "false". # Hence it will go inside the if block below and create a new output file. if(!$multipleInputFiles.CompareTo("false")){ # Either this is the first of multiple input files or this is a single input file case. Either way we need to create an output file once. Let's do that. Write-Host "`n Creating a new output file containing annotations and suggested corrections for input file : " $inputFile New-Item -ItemType file $outputFile -force } Add-Content -path $outputFile -value "########################################" Add-Content -path $outputFile -value "#Scanned LDF file with corrections" $tempStr = "#Input file : " + $inputFile Add-Content -path $outputFile -value $tempStr Write-Host "`n" foreach($line in $NewFileContent){ $linecount++ if ($line.StartsWith("#")){ #We want to ignore comments continue } else{ #to get an array of items, Values[0]..Values[x-1] where [x] is the number of items created Add-Content -path $outputFile -value $line $Values = @($line.Split(":")) if ( $values[1].length -gt 0){ $values[1] = $values[1].TrimStart(" ") } else{ continue } Write-Host "Line #" $linecount write-host "Attribute :"$values[0] write-host "Value :"$values[1] $tempStr = "" $cnValue = "" $values[0] = $values[0].ToLower() switch -wildcard ($values[0]){ "attributesyntax" { $attributeSyntaxValue = $values[1] $values[1] = $values[1].TrimStart(" ") if( !$attributeSyntaxList.ContainsKey($values[1])){ Write-Host "[Error] : The value provided for attribute syntax is invalid. Please correct the value." -foregroundcolor red $tempError = "###Error. The value provided for attribute syntax is invalid. Please correct the value." Add-Content -path $outputFile -value $tempError $attributeSyntaxValue = "" $errorCount++ continue } Write-Host "attributeSyntax is :" $attributeSyntaxList[$values[1]] $tempStr = "# attributeSyntax is :" + $attributeSyntaxList[$values[1]] Add-Content -path $outputFile -value $tempStr } "systemflags" { $values[1] = $values[1].TrimStart(" ") $flags = ""; for ($i = 1; $i -le 0x8000000; $i *= 2){ if ($values[1] -band $i){ if ($flags.length -gt 0){ $flags = $flags + " | " + $systemFlagsList[$i] } else{ if (!$systemFlagsList.ContainsKey($i)){ Write-Host "[Error] : The systemFlags value is invalid. Please correct it." Add-Content -path $outputFile -value "###Error. The systemFlags value is invalid. Please correct it." $errorCount++ continue } $flags = $systemFlagsList[$i] } if ( $i -eq 0x10){ # systemFlags contains 0x10 which means base schema object. This needs to be flagged. Write-Host "[Warning] : This attribute/class has been marked as BASE_SCHEMA_OBJECT. This would need approval from active directory schema team." -Foregroundcolor red Add-Content -path $outputFile -value "###Warning. This attribute/class has been marked as BASE_SCHEMA_OBJECT. This would need approval from active directory schema team." } } } $tempStr = "# systemFlags is:" + $flags Write-Host "systemFlags is:" $flags Add-Content -path $outputFile -value $tempStr } "searchflags" { $values[1] = $values[1].TrimStart(" ") $flags = ""; for ($i = 1; $i -le 512; $i *= 2){ if ($values[1] -band $i){ if ($flags.length -gt 0){ $flags = $flags + " | " + $searchFlagsList[$i] } else{ $flags = $searchFlagsList[$i] } if ($i -eq 8){ # fPreserveOnDelete is set. Make sure this is really required Add-Content -path $outputFile -value "###Warning. This attribute has been marked as preserveOnDelete. Please confirm the need to do so." Write-Host "[Warning] : This attribute has been marked as fpreserveOnDelete. Please confirm the need to do so." -foregroundcolor red $warningCount++ } if($i -eq 128){ #fConfidential is set. Make sure this is really required Add-Content -path $outputFile -value "###Warning. This attribute has been marked as fConfidential. Please confirm the need to do so." Write-Host "[Warning] : This attribute has been marked as fConfidential. Please confirm the need to do so." -foregroundcolor red $warningCount++ } } } Write-Host "searchFlags is :" $flags $tempStr = "# searchFlags :" + $flags Add-Content -path $outputFile -value $tempStr } "omsyntax" { $values[1] = $values[1].TrimStart(" ") write-Host "oMSyntax is :" $oMSyntaxList[$values[1]] if(!$oMSyntaxList.ContainsKey($values[1])){ Write-Host "[Error] : The value provided for oMSyntax is invalid. Please correct the value." -foregroundcolor red Add-Content -path $outputFile -value "###Error. The value provided for oMSyntax is invalid. Please correct the value." $errorCount++ continue } $tempStr = "#oMSyntax :" + $oMSyntaxList[$values[1]] Add-Content -path $outputFile -value $tempStr $compareResult = $values[1].CompareTo($attributeSyntaxToOmSyntaxList[$attributeSyntaxValue]) if ( $compareResult -ne 0) { $omValues = @($attributeSyntaxToOmSyntaxList[$attributeSyntaxValue].Split(",")) $compareResult = $values[1].CompareTo($omValues[0]) if( $compareResult -ne 0){ $compareResult = $values[1].CompareTo($omValues[1]) if( $compareResult -ne 0){ Add-Content -path $outputFile -value "### Error.oMSyntax does not seem to match the attributeSyntax value specified earlier for this attribute" Write-Host "###[Error] : oMSyntax does not seem to match the attributeSyntax value specified earlier for this attribute" -foregroundcolor red } } } $attributeSyntaxValue = "" } "omobjectclass" { $values[1] = $values[1].TrimStart(" ") if (!$oMObjectClassList.ContainsKey($values[1])){ Write-Host "[Error] : oMObjectClass specified is invalid. Please correct the value and try again." -foregroundcolor red Add-Content -path $outputFile -value "### Error. oMObjectClass specified is invalid. Please correct the value and try again." $errorCount++ continue } Write-Host "ObjectClass is:" $oMObjectClassList[$values[1]] $tempStr = "#ObjectClass is:" + $oMObjectClassList[$values[1]] Add-Content -path $outputFile -value $tempStr $objectClass = $values[1]; } "objectclass" { if($values[1].CompareTo("classSchema") -eq 0){ if($schemaUpdateNowFlag.CompareTo("TRUE") -ne 0 -and $startedAddingClassesFlag.CompareTo("TRUE") -eq 0){ Write-Host "[Error] : schemaUpdateNow needs to be inserted before adding new classes." -foregroundcolor red Add-Content -path $outputFile -value "### Error. schemaUpdateNow needs to be inserted before adding new classes." $startedAddingClassesFlag = "TRUE" $errorCount++ } } } "admindescription" { if ( $values[1].length -le 1){ Add-Content -path $outputFile -value "### Error.Adequate description has not been specified. Please correct this." Write-Host "[Error] : Adequate description has not been specified. Please correct this." -foregroundcolor red $errorCount++ } } "systemonly" { $systemOnlyCheck = $values[1].CompareTo("TRUE") if ( $systemOnlyCheck -eq 0){ #Object has been flagged as systemOnly. Needs to be checked further. Write-Host "[Error] : This object has been marked as systemOnly. This needs approval from the Active Directory schema team." -foregroundcolor red Add-Content -path $outputFile -value "### Error. This object has been marked as systemOnly. This needs approval from the Active Directory schema team." $errorCount++ } } "attributeid" { $OIDCheck = $values[1].StartsWith("1.2.840.113556.1") if (!$OIDCheck){ #OID might be wrong Write-Host "[Error] : The OID value is invalid. It should start with 1.2.840.113556.1.Please correct the OID and then re-try." -foregroundcolor red Add-Content -path $outputFile -value "### Error. The OID value is invalid. It should start with 1.2.840.113556.1.Please correct the OID and then re-try." $errorCount++ } } "governsid" { $OIDCheck = $values[1].StartsWith("1.2.840.113556.1") if (!$OIDCheck){ #OID might be wrong Write-Host "[Error] : The OID value is invalid. It should start with 1.2.840.113556.1.Please correct the OID and then re-try." -foregroundcolor red Add-Content -path $outputFile -value "### Error. The OID value is invalid. It should start with 1.2.840.113556.1.Please correct the OID and then re-try." $errorCount++ } } "changetype" { $changetypeValue = $values[1] #When you come across a "changeType" that means an attempt is being made to add /modify an existing object $schemaUpdateNowFlag = "FALSE" } "cn" { $cnValue = $values[1] if ($changetypeValue.CompareTo("ntdsSchemaAdd") -eq 0){ # add operation is being performed for this attribute/class. Make sure that the object doesn't already exist in the schema. checkExistence($cnValue) } $cnValue = "" $changetypeValue = "" } "mapiid" { checkUniquenessOfMapiid($values[1]) } # systemMayContain, systemMustContain,systemAuxiliaryClass, systemPossSuperiors # mayContain, mustContain # subClassOf , # auxiliaryClass # possSuperiors # ConfirmExistenceofReferencedAttributesOrClasses($attrClassList) "systemmaycontain" { if($changeTypeValue.CompareTo("ntdsSchemaModify") -eq 0){ Write-Host "[Error] : A systemOnly attribute is being added to an existing object. This operation is not allowed. Addition of systemOnly attributes while creating new objects is permitted" -foregroundcolor red Add-Content -path $outputFile -value "###Error. A systemOnly attribute is being added to an existing object. This operation is not allowed. Addition of systemOnly attributes while creating new objects is permitted." $errorCount++ } else{ Write-Host $changeTypeValue " operation so system attribute addition is permitted" ConfirmExistenceofReferencedAttributesOrClasses($values[1]) } } "systemmustcontain" { if($changeTypeValue.CompareTo("ntdsSchemaModify") -eq 0){ Write-Host "[Error] : A systemOnly attribute is being added to an existing object. This operation is not allowed. Addition of systemOnly attributes while creating new objects is permitted" -foregroundcolor red Add-Content -path $outputFile -value "###Error. A systemOnly attribute is being added to an existing object. This operation is not allowed. Addition of systemOnly attributes while creating new objects is permitted." $errorCount++ } else{ Write-Host $changeTypeValue " operation so system attribute addition is permitted" ConfirmExistenceofReferencedAttributesOrClasses($values[1]) } } "systemAuxiliaryClass" { if($changeTypeValue.CompareTo("ntdsSchemaModify") -eq 0){ Write-Host "[Error] : A systemOnly attribute is being added to an existing object. This operation is not allowed. Addition of systemOnly attributes while creating new objects is permitted" -foregroundcolor red Add-Content -path $outputFile -value "###Error. A systemOnly attribute is being added to an existing object. This operation is not allowed. Addition of systemOnly attributes while creating new objects is permitted." $errorCount++ } else{ Write-Host $changeTypeValue " operation so system attribute addition is permitted" ConfirmExistenceofReferencedAttributesOrClasses($values[1]) } } "systemPossSuperiors" { if($changeTypeValue.CompareTo("ntdsSchemaModify") -eq 0){ Write-Host "[Error] : A systemOnly attribute is being added to an existing object. This operation is not allowed. Addition of systemOnly attributes while creating new objects is permitted" -foregroundcolor red Add-Content -path $outputFile -value "###Error. A systemOnly attribute is being added to an existing object. This operation is not allowed. Addition of systemOnly attributes while creating new objects is permitted." $errorCount++ } else{ Write-Host $changeTypeValue " operation so system attribute addition is permitted" ConfirmExistenceofReferencedAttributesOrClasses($values[1]) } } "m*contain" { ConfirmExistenceofReferencedAttributesOrClasses($values[1]) } "subclassof" { ConfirmExistenceofReferencedAttributesOrClasses($values[1]) } "*auxiliaryclass" { ConfirmExistenceofReferencedAttributesOrClasses($values[1]) } "posssuperiors" { ConfirmExistenceofReferencedAttributesOrClasses($values[1]) } "ismemberofpartialattributeset" { $values[1] = $values[1].ToLower() if($values[1].CompareTo("true") -eq 0){ Write-Host "[Warning] : Attribute has been marked as a member of the partial attribute set. Please confirm the requirement for the same." -foregroundcolor red Add-Content -path $outputFile -value "### Attribute has been marked as a member of the partial attribute set. Please confirm the requirement for the same." $warningCount++ } } "schemaupgradeinprogress" { $values[1] = $values[1].ToLower() if($values[1].CompareTo("true") -eq 0){ Write-Host "[Error] : Invalid element. Please consider removing it." -foregroundcolor red Add-Content -path $outputFile -value "### Error. Invalid element. Please consider removing it." $errorCount++ } } "schemaupdatenow" { if($values[1].CompareTo("1") -eq 0){ $schemaUpdateNowFlag = "TRUE"; } } "oid" { $oid = $values[1]; } "ldapdisplayname" { $ldapDisplayNameVal = $values[1]; if ($changetypeValue.CompareTo("ntdsSchemaAdd") -eq 0){ # add operation is being performed for this attribute/class. Make sure that the object doesn't already exist in the schema. checkExistence($ldapDisplayNameVal) } $ldapDisplayNameVal = "" $changetypeValue = "" } "linkid" { if ($values[1] -eq "1.2.840.113556.1.2.50"){ $linkedAttrsDisplayNameList.Add($ldapDisplayNameVal, 0); $linkedAttrsOIDList.Add($oid, 0); } else{ if(!$linkedAttrsDisplayNameList.ContainsKey($values[1])){ if(!$linkedAttrsOIDList.ContainsKey($values[1])){ Write-Host "[Error] : An attempt is being made to access a forward link that doesn't seem to exist. If this is a hardcoded link id that is not valid. Please follow the guidelines for obtaining a link id." -foregroundcolor red Add-Content -path $outputFile -value "### Error. An attempt is being made to access a forward link that doesn't seem to exist. If this is a hardcoded link id that is not valid. Please follow the guidelines for obtaining a link id." $errorCount++ } else{ $linkedAttrsOIDList[$values[1]] = $linkedAttrsOIDList[$values[1]] + 1; } } else{ $linkedAttrsDisplayNameList[$values[1]] = $linkedAttrsDisplayNameList[$values[1]] + 1; Write-Host "A forward link does exist for this back link. Usage is valid." Add-Content -path $outputFile -value "###A forward link does exist for this back link. Usage is valid." } } } "objectclasscategory" { $values[1] = $values[1].TrimStart(" ") switch ($values[1]){ "structural" { Add-Content -path $outputFile -value "###ObjectClassCategory : Structural" } "auxiliary" { Add-Content -path $outputFile -value "###ObjectClassCategory : Auxiliary" } "abstract" { Add-Content -path $outputFile -value "###ObjectClassCategory : Abstract" } "88" { Add-Content -path $outputFile -value "###ObjectClassCategory : 88" } default { Write-Host "[Error] : The value provided for objectClassCategory " $values[1] " is not valid. Please correct it and try again. Accepted values are Structural, Auxiliary, Abstract, 88." -foregroundcolor red Add-Content -path $outputFile -value "### Error. The value provided for objectClassCategory " $values[1] " is not valid. Please correct it and try again. Accepted values are Structural, Auxiliary, Abstract, 88." $errorCount++ } } } "rdnattid" { checkSyntaxOfRdnattidAttribute($values[1]) } "changetype" { $values[1]=$values[1].ToLower() switch($values[1]) { "add" { Write-Host "Allowed changetype" } "ntdsschemaadd" { Write-Host "Allowed changetype" } "modify" { Write-Host "Allowed changetype" } "ntdsschemamodify" { Write-Host "Allowed changetype" } "delete" { Write-Host "Allowed changetype" } "ntdsschemadelete" { Write-Host "Allowed changetype" } "ntdsschemamodrdn" { Write-Host "Allowed changetype" } default { Write-Host "[Error] : ChangeType " $values[1] " is invalid. Allowed changeType values are - add, ntdsschemaadd, modify, ntdsschemamodify, delete, ntdsschemadelete, ntdsschemamodrdn." Add-Content -path $outputFile -value "### Error. ChangeType value is invalid. Allowed changeType values are - add, ntdsschemaadd, modify, ntdsschemamodify, delete, ntdsschemadelete, ntdsschemamodrdn." $errorCount++ } } } } write-host "*****************************************************************" -foregroundcolor darkcyan } } Write-Host "`n Summary" -foregroundcolor DarkGreen Write-Host "Errors : " $errorCount -foregroundcolor DarkGreen Write-Host "Warnings : " $warningCount -foregroundcolor DarkGreen #Now that the whole file has been checked go through the $linkedAttrsOIDList and $linkedAttrsDisplayNameList to make sure the reference counts are > 0 #A count of zero means that a forward link was created but a back link was never created for it } function global:ExtensionChecker($args){ Write-Host "Validating Extensions..." foreach ($iFile in $inputFileList){ $inputFile = $iFile ValidateExtensions $multipleInputFiles = "true" } } ExtensionChecker($args)
Testing for Schema Extension Conflicts