This command will kill all the processes with a specific name :

kill `ps -ef | grep process-name-to-kill | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`

kill Manpage
The command kill sends the specified signal to the specified process or process group. If no signal is specified, the TERM signal is sent. The TERM signal will kill processes which do not catch this signal. For other processes, it may be necessary to use the KILL (9) signal, since this signal cannot be caught.

Most modern shells have a builtin kill function, with a usage rather similar to that of the command described here. The ‘-a’ and ‘-p’ options, and the possibility to specify pids by command name is a local extension.

If sig is 0, then no signal is sent, but error checking is still performed.

      kill [-s sigspec] [-n signum] [-sigspec] jobspec or pid
      kill -l [exit_status]
      kill -l [sigspec]

   -l   List the signal names
   -s   Send a specific signal
   -n   Send a specific signal number

ps Manpage
ps – report a snapshot of the current processes.


         ps option(s)
         ps [-L]

      -L   List all the keyword options
This version of ps accepts 3 kinds of option:

-Unix98 options may be grouped and must be preceeded by a dash.
BSD options may be grouped and must not be used with a dash.
--GNU long options are preceeded by two dashes.

Options of different types may be freely mixed. The PS_PERSONALITY environment variable provides more detailed control of ps behavior.

The Options below are listed side-by-side (unless there are differences).

Simple Process Selection:
       -A  a        select all processes (including those of other users)
       -a           select all with a tty except session leaders
       -d           select all, but omit session leaders
       -e           select all processes
       g            really all, even group leaders (does nothing w/o SunOS settings)
       -N           negate selection
       r            restrict output to running processes
       T            select all processes on this terminal
       x            select processes without controlling ttys
       --deselect   negate selection

Process Selection by List:

     -C              select by command name
     -G              select by RGID (supports names)
     -g              select by session leader OR by group name
            --Group  select by real group name or ID
            --group  select by effective group name or ID
     -p  p  --pid    select by process ID (PID)
     -s     --sid    select by session ID
     -t     --tty    select by terminal (tty)
     -u  U           select by effective user ID (supports names)
     -U              select by RUID (supports names)
            --User   select by real user name or ID
            --user   select by effective user name or ID

     -123      implied --sid
     123       implied --pid

Output Format Control:

       -c         Different scheduler info for -l option
       -f         Full listing
       -j  j      Jobs format
       -l  l      Long format
       -O  O      Add the information associated with the space or comma separated
                  list of keywords specified, after the process ID, in the default
                  information display.

       -o  o      Display information associated with the space or comma separated
                  list of keywords specified.
       --format   user-defined format
        s         display signal format
        u         display user-oriented format
        v         display virtual memory format
        X         old Linux i386 register format
       -y         do not show flags; show rss in place of addr

Output Modifiers:
       C              use raw CPU time for %CPU instead of decaying average
       c              true command name
       e              show environment after the command
       f              ASCII-art process hierarchy (forest)
       -H             show process hierarchy (forest)
       h              do not print header lines (repeat header lines in BSD personality)
       -m  m          show all threads
       -n             set namelist file
       n              numeric output for WCHAN and USER
       N              specify namelist file
       O              sorting order (overloaded)
       S              include some dead child process data (as a  sum  with the parent)
       -w  w          wide output
       --cols         set screen width
       --columns      set screen width
       --forest       ASCII art process tree
       --html         HTML escaped output
       --headers      repeat header lines
       --no-headers   print no header line at all
       --lines        set screen height
       --nul          unjustified output with NULs
       --null         unjustified output with NULs
       --rows         set screen height
       --sort         specify sorting order
       --width        set screen width
       --zero         unjustified output with NULs

       -V  V       print version
       L           list all format specifiers
       --help      print help message
       --info      print debugging info
       --version   print version

awk Manpage


      awk  'Program' Input-File1 Input-File2 ...

      awk -f PROGRAM-FILE  Input-File1 Input-File2 ...

 -F FS
 --field-separator FS
     Use FS for the input field separator (the value of the `FS'
     predefined variable).

     Read the awk program source from the file PROGRAM-FILE, instead
     of from the first command line argument.

 -mf NNN
 -mr NNN
     The `f' flag sets the maximum number of fields, and the `r' flag
     sets the maximum record size.  These options are ignored by
     `gawk', since `gawk' has no predefined limits; they are only for
     compatibility with the Bell Labs research version of Unix awk.

 --assign VAR=VAL
     Assign the variable VAR the value VAL before program execution

 -W traditional
 -W compat
     Use compatibility mode, in which `gawk' extensions are turned off.

 -W lint
     Give warnings about dubious or non-portable awk constructs.

 -W lint-old
     Warn about constructs that are not available in the original
     Version 7 Unix version of awk.

 -W posix
     Use POSIX compatibility mode, in which `gawk' extensions are
     turned off and additional restrictions apply.

 -W re-interval
     Allow interval expressions, in regexps.

 --source PROGRAM-TEXT
     Use PROGRAM-TEXT as awk program source code.  This option allows
     mixing command line source code with source code from files, and is
     particularly useful for mixing command line programs with library

     Signal the end of options.  This is useful to allow further
     arguments to the awk program itself to start with a `-'.  This
     is mainly for consistency with POSIX argument parsing conventions.

     A series of patterns and actions: see below

     If no Input-File is specified then awk applies the Program to 
     "standard input", (piped output of some other command or the terminal.
     Typed input will continue until end-of-file (typing `Control-d')
Kill all the processes with a specific name

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