Check the AD replication status forest wide and send HTML report
Check the AD replication status forest wide and send HTML report

Check the AD replication status forest wide and send HTML report

Description :

This script uses the output of the repadmin command (repadmin /showrepl) to check the AD replication on all the domain controllers and naming contexts all over an Active Directory forest. You will find here more information on the syntax of the repadmin tool. The following operations are available with this tool:
Repadmin bind
Repadmin bridgeheads
Repadmin checkprop
Repadmin dsaguid
Repadmin failcache
Repadmin istg
Repadmin kcc
Repadmin latency
Repadmin notifyopt
Repadmin options
Repadmin queue
Repadmin querysites
Repadmin regkey
Repadmin removelingeringobjects
Repadmin replicate
Repadmin replsingleobj
Repadmin replsummary
Repadmin showattr
Repadmin showcert
Repadmin showchanges
Repadmin showconn
Repadmin showctx
Repadmin showism
Repadmin showmsg
Repadmin showncsig
Repadmin showobjmeta
Repadmin showoutcalls
Repadmin showproxy
Repadmin showrepl
Repadmin showsig
Repadmin showtime
Repadmin showtrust
Repadmin showutdvec
Repadmin showvalue
Repadmin siteoptions
Repadmin syncall
Repadmin viewlist
Repadmin oldhelp

If errors are found, an html report is sent by email. A full html report is also created in a shared folder

Script :

$report_path = "\\server\share"
$date = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd"
$array = @()

#Powershell Function to delete files older than a certain age
$intFileAge = 8  #age of files in days
$strFilePath = $report_path #path to clean up

#create filter to exclude folders and files newer than specified age
Filter Select-FileAge {
If ($_.PSisContainer) {}
# Exclude folders from result set
ElseIf ($_.LastWriteTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays($days * -1))
get-Childitem -recurse $strFilePath | Select-FileAge $intFileAge 'CreationTime' |Remove-Item

Function send_mail([string]$message,[string]$subject) {
$emailFrom = ""
$emailTo = ""
$emailCC = ""
$smtpServer = ""
Send-MailMessage -SmtpServer $smtpServer -To $emailTo -Cc $emailCC -From $emailFrom -Subject $subject -Body $message -BodyAsHtml

$myForest = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Forest]::GetCurrentForest()
$dclist = $myforest.Sites | % { $_.Servers }

$html_head = "<style type='text/css'>
table {font-family:verdana,arial,sans-serif;font-size:12px;color:#333333;border-width: 1px;border-color: #729ea5;border-collapse: collapse;}
th {font-family:verdana,arial,sans-serif;font-size:12px;background-color:#acc8cc;border-width: 1px;padding: 8px;border-style: solid;border-color: #729ea5;text-align:left;}
tr {font-family:verdana,arial,sans-serif;background-color:#d4e3e5;}
td {font-family:verdana,arial,sans-serif;font-size:12px;border-width: 1px;padding: 8px;border-style: solid;border-color: #729ea5;}

foreach ($dcname in $dclist){
$source_dc_fqdn = ($dcname.Name).tolower()
$ad_partition_list = repadmin /showrepl $source_dc_fqdn | select-string "dc="
foreach ($ad_partition in $ad_partition_list) {
$result = repadmin /showrepl $source_dc_fqdn $ad_partition
$result = $result | where { ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty(($result[$_]))) }
$index_array_dst = 0..($result.Count - 1) | Where { $result[$_] -like "*via RPC" }
foreach ($index in $index_array_dst){
$dst_dc = ($result[$index]).trim()
$next_index = [array]::IndexOf($index_array_dst,$index) + 1
$next_index_msg = $index_array_dst[$next_index]
$msg = ""
if ($index -lt $index_array_dst[-1]){
$last_index = $index_array_dst[$next_index]
else {
$last_index = $result.Count

for ($i=$index+1;$i -lt $last_index; $i++){
if (($msg -eq "") -and ($result[$i])) {
$msg += ($result[$i]).trim()
else {
$msg += " / " + ($result[$i]).trim()
$Properties = @{source_dc=$source_dc_fqdn;NC=$ad_partition;destination_dc=$dst_dc;repl_status=$msg}
$Newobject = New-Object PSObject -Property $Properties
$array +=$newobject

$status_repl_ko = "<br><br><font face='Calibri' color='black'><i><b>Active Directory Replication Problem :</b></i><br>"
$status_repl_ok = "<br><br><font face='Calibri' color='black'><i><b>Active Directory Replication OK :</b></i><br>"
$subject = "Active Directory Replication status : "+$date
$message = "<br><br><font face='Calibri' color='black'><i>The full Active Directory Replication report is available <a href=" + $report_path + "\ad_repl_status_$date.html>here</a></i><br>"
$message += $status_repl_ko

if ($array | where {$_.repl_status -notlike "*successful*"}){
$message += $array | where {$_.repl_status -notlike "*successful*"} | select source_dc,nc,destination_dc,repl_status |ConvertTo-Html -Head $html_head -Property source_dc,nc,destination_dc,repl_status
send_mail $message $subject
else {
$message += "<table style='color:gray;font-family:verdana,arial,sans-serif;font-size:11px;'>No problem detected</table>"

$message += $status_repl_ok
$message += $array | where {$_.repl_status -like "*successful*"} | select source_dc,nc,destination_dc,repl_status |ConvertTo-Html -Head $html_head -Property source_dc,nc,destination_dc,repl_status
$message | Out-File "$report_path\ad_repl_status_$date.html"


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Check the AD replication status forest wide and send HTML report

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