Change a string in a text file
This script lists all files in a specific folder and replace a string within these files
The following cmdlets are used in the script :
- Get-childitem : list the files to update
- Get-content : open and read the files
- Set-content : write the changes to file
Script :
$filelist = Get-ChildItem "C:\temp\MyFolder" foreach ($file in $filelist){ $new = (Get-Content $file.fullname) -replace "String to replace", "New String" Set-Content $file.fullname $new }
Replace characters within a string.
.Replace(strOldChar, strNewChar)
strOldChar The characters to find.
strNewChar The characters to replace them with.
Replace characters in a string:
PS C:\> "abcdef" -replace "dEf","xyz"
Replace characters in a variable:
PS C:\> $demo = "abcdef" PS C:\> $demo.replace("dEf","xyz") abcxyz
Multiple replacements can be chained together in one command:
PS C:\> "abcdef" -replace "dEf","xyz" -replace "cx","-" ab-yz
Search and Replace characters in a file:
PS C:\> $oldfile = "C:\demo\sourcetext.txt" PS C:\> $newfile = "C:\demo\newfile.txt" PS C:\> $text = (Get-Content -Path $oldfile -ReadCount 0) -join "`n" PS C:\> $text -replace 'dEf', 'xyz' | Set-Content -Path $newfile
Rename file extensions from .log to .txt
PS C:\> dir *.log | rename-item $_ -newname { $_.Name -replace '\.log','.txt' }
Using single quotes around the search strings will ensure that all punctuation is ignored by PowerShell.
An alternative method to read an entire file as a single long text string is the .Net ::ReadAllText method:
$allTheText = [System.Io.File]::ReadAllText($filePath)
Change a string in a text file