This script is very useful if you want to create a web photo gallery and so, optimize the browsing speed. The best way in this case is to create from a source folder structure that contains photo files, lower resolution and thumbnail pictures. This script uses the ImageMagick Convert Command-Line Tool.
Requirements for this script :
- Variables
- source : folder that contains pictures
- dest_thumb : folder that will contains thumbnail pictures (200px)
- dest_resize : folder that will contains resized pictures (1080px)
- Software
- Imagemagick
If the source folder contains subfolders you have to create first the subfolder structure for the dest_thumb and dest_resize :
for example, we have the following folders :
source="/test/images/full/" dest_thumb="/test/images/thumbnail/" dest_resize="/test/images/resized/"
Execute the following commands :
rsync -av -f"+ */" -f"- *" /test/images/full/ /test/images/thumbnail rsync -av -f"+ */" -f"- *" /test/images/full/ /test/images/resized
You can then launch the following script to create the resized pictures.
Script :
#!/bin/sh ProcessInstances=0 ProcessInstances=`ps | grep |grep -v grep |wc -l` echo $ProcessInstances if [ $ProcessInstances -le 2 ]; then echo Process not running! Starting process dest_thumb="/test/images/thumbnail/" dest_resize="/test/images/resized/" source="/test/images/full/" find "${source[@]}"$1 -follow -type f | egrep -i ".jpg|.jpeg" | while read line do dest_thumb_file=`echo $line | sed -e "s|$source|$dest_thumb|g"` dest_thumb_dir=`dirname $dest_thumb_file` dest_resized_file=`echo $line | sed -e "s|$source|$dest_resize|g"` dest_resized_dir=`dirname $dest_resized_file` if [ ! -d "$dest_thumb_dir" ]; then mkdir "$dest_thumb_dir" fi if [ ! -d "$dest_resized_dir" ]; then mkdir "$dest_resized_dir" fi if [ ! -f "$dest_thumb_file" ]; then echo "Converting the file $line to thumbnail..." convert "$line" -thumbnail x200 -resize '200x<' -resize 50% -gravity center -crop 100x100+0+0 +repage -format jpg -quality 91 -auto-orient "$dest_thumb_file" fi if [ ! -f "$dest_resized_file" ]; then echo "Converting the file $line to 1080x..." convert "$line" -geometry x1080 -auto-orient "$dest_resized_file" fi done else echo Process already running! Nothing to do. fi
Reference :
Imagemagick Convert
Automatic pictures resizing with Imagemagick (medium and small size)