This script will help you to Add a SNMP permitted manager on remote hosts. In this example the hostname of the SNMP permitted manager is : snmpmgr01.
The remote hosts name are listed in a text file (one hostname per line) located here : c:\temp\hosts.txt

Script :

$hosts = Get-Content c:\Temp\hosts.txt
foreach ($Hostname in $hosts) {
	Write-Host "Updating SNMP permitted managers list on the server : " $Hostname "..."
	$reg = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $Hostname)
	$regKey= $reg.OpenSubKey("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\services\\SNMP\\Parameters\\PermittedManagers",$true)
	if (($regkey.GetValueNames() | foreach {$regkey.getvalue($_)}) -like "snmpmgr01*"){
		Write-Host $Hostname " : snmpmgr01 SNMP manager already set on this server"
	else {
		Write-Host $Hostname " : snmpmgr01 SNMP manager is not set"
		$new_manager_id = [System.Convert]::ToDecimal($regkey.GetValueNames()[-1]) + 1


RegistryKey.OpenRemoteBaseKey Method

RegistryKey.OpenSubKey Method

RegistryKey Class
To get an instance of RegistryKey, use one of the static members of the Registry class.

The registry acts as a central repository of information for the operating system and the applications on a computer. The registry is organized in a hierarchical format, based on a logical ordering of the elements stored within it (please see Registry for the base-level items in this hierarchy). When storing information in the registry, select the appropriate location based on the type of information being stored. Be sure to avoid destroying information created by other applications, because this can cause those applications to exhibit unexpected behavior, and can also have an adverse effect upon your own application.

This type implements the IDisposable interface. When you have finished using the type, you should dispose of it either directly or indirectly. To dispose of the type directly, call its Dispose method in a try/catch block. To dispose of it indirectly, use a language construct such as using (in C#) or Using (in Visual Basic). For more information, see the “Using an Object that Implements IDisposable” section in the IDisposable interface topic.

Registry keys are the base unit of organization in the registry, and can be compared to folders in File Explorer. A particular key can have subkeys, just as a folder can have subfolders. Each key can be deleted, as long as the user has the appropriate permissions to do so, and the key is not a base key or at the level directly under the base keys. Each key can also have multiple values associated with it (a value can be compared to a file), which are used to store the information — for example, information about an application installed on the computer. Each value holds one particular piece of information, which can be retrieved or updated when required. For instance, you can create a RegistryKey for your company, under the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software, and then a subkey for each application that your company creates. Each subkey holds the information specific to that application, such as color settings, screen location and size, or recognized file extensions.
Note that information stored in the registry is available to other applications and users, and therefore should not be used to store security data or critical application information.

Do not expose RegistryKey objects in such a way that a malicious program could create thousands of meaningless subkeys or key/value pairs. For example, do not allow callers to enter arbitrary keys or values.

Starting in the .NET Framework 4, the length of a registry key is no longer limited to 255 characters.

Add a SNMP permitted manager on remote hosts

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